week 4

Today was my last day of class. Four weeks flew by. This week we reviewed subjunctive and then did a review of all verb tenses. We also played word games and talked a lot. It was a great week. It was just Natalie and I in class with Sydnia again so it was very relaxed while still being beneficial. I think it was my favorite week. I really enjoyed spending three weeks with Natalie and loved having Sydnia as a teacher twice. Her style works really well for me. I like calm and informal. I like my summers to be chill.

Tomorrow I'm hanging out with my host mom all day and going out to dinner with her extended family.

I'll definitely miss people here but obviously I'm ready to get home too. 


  1. ❤️
    Yo realmente amé tenerlas en mi clase. Voy a extrañar las montones.

  2. Mrs. Hershberger- I’m so happy your trip went well. I’ve been thinking about you lately. Have a terrific school year. ~Susen Vanzzini


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