week 1

First week of classes went so well it was over before I knew it. There were only 4 students so there was plenty of individual attention and speaking practice. We spent the entire week working on por/para and prepositions. We went really in depth and I learned a lot of new vocabulary. We also talked a lot about what words mean in different countries. For example, here in Costa Rica a "torta" is a "patty" (like a hamburger patty but can be anything).

We also learned that Costa Rica has a lot of Nicaraguan immigrants. We also talked a lot about world news after reading articles. And my teacher even liked American Football. It was really interesting to learn that it is growing in popularity here. Apparently they play on the soccer field on Sundays. I'll have to try to catch it one Sunday when I don't have a tour. We also talked a lot about movies, books, and music. I really need to do more of those in Spanish.

We forgot to get a group picture but here is one of me with Profe Sydnia.


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